Studenten & Afgestudeerden.
Ben je al afgestudeerd of nog student en zegt een stage bij Flen Health je wel wat? Onze stagiaires maken deel uit van het team. Vanaf dag één helpen ze mee problemen op te lossen en nieuwe oplossingen uit te werken. Studenten hebben allerlei achtergronden, helpen ons te innoveren met hun uiteenlopende talenten en zijn niet bang om de platgetreden paden te verlaten. Stuur ons je cv en motivatiebrief via het onderstaande formulier.
Maak kennis met onze stagiaires

Meet Franklin
My internship at Flen Health
Hi, my name is Franklin and I am a French student from Lyon. I am currently in the middle of my master’s degree and studying Audit and Finance at ESDES Business School.
Originally, I was supposed to carry out a five months internship at Flen Health however due to Covid-19 my internship was shortened. Nevertheless, I did a three months internship in the Finance department at the Luxembourg office.
I was given the mission to assist on the day to day accounting and bookkeeping activities. I worked on a variety of topics such as; invoices, stocks, taxes, reports, assets, closing of accounts, bank statement, bank reconciliation and supplier reconciliation.
I particularly enjoyed working on the reports and the closing of accounts because they were the most challenging and instructive tasks.
This internship was a great experience for me because it allowed me to discover accounting and finance within a company environment as well as in the pharmaceutical market. This professional experience gave me a realistic insight towards a daily work life routine and made me realise how far apart theory and practice are sometimes. The time at Flen Health really was a valuable experience for me and contributed greatly to my career progression.

Meet Maryline
My internship at Flen Health.
My name is Maryline (middle of the image) and I am from Belgium. I am a last year student at the Artesis Plantijn University College Antwerp and specialise in Pharmaceutical and Biological Laboratory Technology.
“Don’t be unsure about “what if I can’t” – go for it and find out what you can!”
During my internship in the Belgian laboratory of Flen Health, I was researching how alternative formulations could still render stable hydrogels. I wrote down and analysed every measurement, so that adjustments could be made where needed. This responsibility must be treated seriously in order to meet the high quality standards and values of a reliable product.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 and the lockdown, I am obligated to continue the internship at home. In the laboratory, I was able to produce a lot of data in a short amount of time and from home I can process the data and start writing my Bachelor’s Thesis. Via video and audio conferencing, I stay in contact with my team, meaning all my progressions are followed up by Flen Health, which definitely makes working from home possible and even efficient.
At Flen I do not feel like a “small” intern which I might have felt in another company. I feel like a team member and that supports my self-motivation. I participate in useful research work, independently without someone telling me what to do and all this is a great introduction to the real work life.
My advice for applicants would be an internship is something completely new apart from all school activities. It is up to you to prove your abilities and also to learn. Don’t be unsure about “what if I can’t” – go for it and find out what you can!

Meet Luca
My internship at Flen Health
Hi, my name is Luca, I am half Italian and half Luxembourgish, I was born and raised in Luxembourg. I am currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Health Engineering – Conception and Production of Drugs – in France. As a person, I would describe myself as social and curious.
“Bringing in your ideas will let you grow as a professional”
In the framework of my Master’s Degree I am doing a five months internship in the Research & Development (R&D) department at Flen Health. Within my internship program I am primarily working on product and formulation development. My tasks are versatile and my supervisor makes sure that I am involved in all aspects of R&D.
What I am enjoying the most is my independence, working independently requires trust from my colleagues and having this trust encourages me to give no less than my very best.
I am learning a lot from being involved in many of the R&D projects, supporting the team and offering my opinion helps me to develop my skills and ensures I am a valued team member. This kind of collaborative and respectful work environment makes my internship not only worth it but also very enjoyable.
My internship at Flen Health is a great experience and I can say with certainty that I have learnt more from working together with experts compared to what I have learnt from books.
My tip: Show your motivation and be ambitious. Working independently and bringing in your ideas will let you grow as a professional.

Meet Manish
My internship at Flen Health
Namaste, my name is Manish. I was born in Nepal and moved to Belgium at the age of 13. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Pharmaceutical and Biological Laboratory Technology.
The timeframe for my internship was supposed to be for 14 weeks however due to the COVID-19 crisis, the practical work was put on hold after five weeks.
“The impact of COVID-19 on my daily work has been huge”
I am involved in the Research & Development department at Flen Health. During my internship here, I focused on resistance testing, ensuring that our projects run smoothly and also keeping the work area safe are few of my key responsibilities.
The impact of COVID-19 on my daily work has been huge and changes were made to cope with the lockdown enforced by the government. As a result, I have focused more on literature studies at home. Even if current times are challenging, I am still able to learn a lot due to remote guidance from my supervisor and my team members.
Learning and applying valuable knowledge and gaining experience which cannot be obtained solely by reading books and the support of experts helps me to grow in my field of study.
Besides the impact of COVID-19, I mostly enjoy being able to work independently and the friendliness of my team. It gives me the freedom to experiment but it also reassures me that my team trusts me. To me, an encouraging work environment is “the cherry on top of the cake”!
One thing that I have discovered about myself during this internship is that I can learn in plenty of different ways. We took the given lockdown challenge as an opportunity to find new internship approaches and this effort makes a huge difference.
My advice for applicants would be to show that you are driven by ambition and passion for what you do. Strive for self-improvement, work independently and don’t be afraid to share your ideas. Most importantly don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Meet Robrecht
My internship at Flen Health
Hi, my name is Robrecht, I am a 21-year-old student and I have just finished my academic bachelor in Bioscience Engineering. I was born and raised in the surrounding area of Antwerp and I live a short drive away from the Flen Health office in Kontich.
"This has given me the hands-on-experience I required"
During my first job interview, I was confident that working at Flen Health would be a great training opportunity. Before I started my one month’s internship, my supervisor took the necessary time to explain me everything I needed to know to get started. Then, it was my turn.
Currently, I work on a biotechnological project, which includes the use of several microbiological techniques. I really enjoy my tasks; it is exciting to setup laboratory test runs with professional equipment and subsequently analysing the results. What I enjoy the most, is the trust that Flen Health have in me as a person and my skill set.
Sure, as a student you gain knowledge from books and classes but experiencing the daily business in the R&D department at Flen Health is something you cannot learn from books. This has given me the hands-on-experience I required.