By Kimberley Wilde Diabetic foot ulcer is a devastating complication of diabetes mellitus and can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. The lifetime risk of developing a diabetic foot ulcer is between 19% and 34% (Mcdermott et al., 2023). The Importance of Patient Autonomy in Diabetic Foot Care Patient autonomy is a vital principle in health care, emphasising the right of patients to make informed decisions about their own medical treatment. There are several factors that may hinder a patient’s ability to make informed decisions about their care. Diabetic foot ulcer research has shown that patients may have a lack of knowledge of the role diabetes plays in the aetiology of a diabetic foot ulcer and patients are either unaware of, or unconcerned about, their risk of diabetes-related foot problems (Zhu et al., 2023). Many patients also felt that they had a lack of control over the risk of developing a diabetic foot ulcer Diabetes and Mental Health The impact diabetes has on mental health also needs to be considered. Up to 40% of patients with diabetes can experience psychological problems which can impact their ability to participate in self-management of their diabetes (Garrett and Doherty, 2014). Traditional versus Collaborative Care Approaches When we consider patient care, it is often easy to have a traditional health care provider style. This style is often highly directive and demanding on patients to adhere to a list of behaviours. Patients tend to have little input to this “traditional style of care”. Research has shown that the collaborative approach of shared decision making between clinicians and their patients improves patient autonomy by giving patients more information and greater involvement in their medical care (NICE, 2024). Tackling Barriers to Patient Engagement in Diabetic Foot Treatment Research that the author conducted in 2018 (Wilde, 2018) looked at the effectiveness of a behaviour change model to enable a change in behaviour around wound care. The model called COM-B describes the three key factors capable of changing behaviour are capability, motivation and opportunity (Michie et al., 2011). This model was utilised to develop a new wound care pathway which enabled patients to be actively involved in their wound care. The key themes around shared decision making to improve autonomy were linked to each factor. Capability needs to be considered, in terms of whether the patient has the physical skills and equipment to be actively involved in their wound care. To enable capability, the patient needs to be given education to increase their knowledge around the wound and the disease process that caused it. Opportunity is a situation in which it is possible for you to do something that you want to do. In relation to wound care this may be having support from family and/or friends or the use of a leaflet/video which explains how to effectively clean and change a wound dressing. Health Care professionals play a crucial role in promoting patient opportunities and empowering them to take an active role in their own healthcare. Patient Motivation There are several factors that could impact a patient’s motivation. Motivational interviewing is a skill that clinicians can use to enhance patient engagement and facilitate positive behaviour change. Empowering Patients Using Motivational Interviewing The key elements of motivational interviewing are building rapport, using open-ended questions and affirmations, reflective listening and summarising. The use of motivational interviewing enables healthcare staff to create a supportive environment that empowers patients to take charge of their health (Pennock, 2023). By implementing the strategies described healthcare providers can foster a sense of autonomy in patients, leading to better management of diabetic foot ulcers and improved overall outcomes. References Bu, F., Fancourt, D. How is patient activation related to healthcare service utilisation? Evidence from electronic patient records in England. BMC Health Serv Res 21, 1196 (2021). McDermott K, Fang M, Boulton AJM, Selvin E, Hicks CW. Etiology, Epidemiology, and Disparities in the Burden of Diabetic Foot Ulcers. Diabetes Care. 2023 Jan 1;46(1):209-221. doi: 10.2337/dci22-0043. PMID: 36548709; PMCID: PMC9797649. Michie, S., Van Stralen, M. M., & West, R. (2011). The behaviour change wheel: A new method for characterising and designing behaviour change interventions. Implementation Science, 6(1) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Shared Decision Making, 2024 Pennock S., Revolutionize Nurse-Patient Relationships: Motivational Interviewing for Nurses, 27th December 2023 Wilde, K, Self-management shared care wound care pathway, Wounds UK, June 2018, Vol: 14 | Issue: 03 Wilde K, "Patients' perceptions of self-management of chronic wounds." Wounds UK 16.3 (2020). Zhu X, Lee ES, Lim PXH, Chen YC, Chan FHF, Griva K. Exploring barriers and enablers of self-management behaviours in patients with diabetic foot ulcers: A qualitative study from the perceptions of patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals in primary care. Int Wound J. 2023; 20(7): 2764-2779.
Pressure ulcers impact around 12.8% of patients worldwide yet are preventable in up to 95% of cases with timely intervention and care (NHS, 2022). Pressure ulcers form due to prolonged pressure on the skin, which restricts blood flow and damages underlying tissues. Bony areas of the body are particularly vulnerable. While pressure ulcers can lead to extended hospital stays, infection, and increased healthcare costs, early detection significantly reduces these risks (NICE, 2014). Identifying pressure ulcers in the early stages can often be challenging, especially in patients with darker skin tones. The Importance of Early Detection Early-stage pressure ulcers, identified as category 1 or 2, involve the outer layers of skin and, with appropriate care, can be managed. Timely identification allows healthcare providers to implement strategies such as repositioning and using pressure-relieving surfaces to prevent further tissue damage (NHS, 2022). Once pressure ulcers reach the later categories (3 and 4) they take longer to heal and may require further intervention. This can lead to much more pain, a higher risk of infection, and a significant impact on quality of life (AHRQ, 2013). Why Pressure Ulcers Are Harder to Spot in Dark Skin Tones Unfortunately, pressure damage can often be missed in dark skin tones, primarily due to a lack of education and awareness around early signs of pressure damage across different skin tones. In light skin, a common erythema, or skin redness, is often more visible during the early stages of pressure damage. For people with dark skin tones, however, erythema often appears as hyperpigmentation. According to some research, healthcare providers may underreport or even overlook early-stage pressure ulcers in patients with dark skin tones, which can lead to missed treatment opportunities and the pressure injury unnecessarily progressing to more severe stages (Saghaleini et al., 2018). Additionally, “non-blanching erythema” - skin redness that doesn’t turn white when pressed - a classic sign of pressure damage, is also less visible on dark skin tones. Non-visual Indicators of Pressure Damage Across Skin Tones As well as recognising that colour changes show up differently on different skin tones, it is also essential for caregivers and healthcare providers to assess the skin for other indicators of pressure damage (NICE, 2014). Skin texture changes, like skin sponginess, are common with pressure injuries. This can occur over bony areas like the hips, heels, and elbows. In both light and dark skin tones, this texture change is felt rather than seen and should prompt immediate interventions to prevent further damage. Pressure damage can also lead to temperature changes in the skin, manifesting as cooler or warmer patches as a result of impaired blood flow. Temperature variations are easily detectable through gentle touch, which should form part of thorough skin assessment. Finally, itching and irritation can be an early indicators of pressure damage and patients should be encouraged to report any areas of skin discomfort promptly, especially in areas may be at risk for ulcer formation. Awareness and Education To ensure the early detection of pressure ulcers in all skin tones, a more holistic approach to awareness and education is essential. Education and guidance for healthcare providers and caregivers on how to recognise the more subtle signs of pressure ulcers, and how these may differ across different skin tones is important to ensuring equitable care. Encouraging patients and caregivers to regularly inspect high-risk areas for any unusual skin changes, looking for both visual and non-visual cues, is critical to implement early intervention and prevent more serious pressure damage occurring. References Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). (2013). Making Health Care Safer II: An Updated Critical Analysis of the Evidence for Patient Safety Practices. National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK). The Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers in Primary and Secondary Care. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2014 Apr. (NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 179.) 8, Skin assessment. Available from: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). (2014). Pressure ulcers: Prevention and management. NHS England. (2022). *Stop the Pressure: Pressure Ulcer Prevention. NHS England. (2022). *Stop the Pressure: Pressure Ulcer Prevention. Saghaleini, S. H., Dehghan, K., Shadvar, K., Sanaie, S., Mahmoodpoor, A., & Ostadi, Z. (2018). Pressure ulcer and nutrition. Advanced Biomedical Research, 7(6), 1-10. Young C (2021) Using the ‘aSSKINg’ model in pressure ulcer prevention and care planning. Nurs Stand 36(2): 61-6
Health care professionals have had a tough few years with reducing resources, overstretched staff, and the impact of the Covid pandemic. How do we find the motivation and resilience to rebuild ourselves, find a way forward, lead our teams and support our patients safely and effectively? Motivation is the driving force behind human actions. Cherry (2023a) describes motivation as “the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal- orientated behaviours.” Cherry suggests two types of motivation exist- extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic relates to rewards- e.g. praise or recognition for your work and intrinsic relates to our internal attributes- feeling satisfaction in completing something or doing well. Resilience is the ability to cope and recover from setbacks (Rice, 2022), manage our available resources and find ways of managing situations we face. Resilience is also knowing when we need help and seeking it. Motivation and resilience can be impacted by physical, psychological and social influences, including stress or being overwhelmed by the workload. We may diminish our own motivation and resilience with self-doubt and self-criticism. External influences such as criticism of our work, lack of gratitude can also deplete our motivation and resilience. A lack of motivation can lead us to avoid progress and doubt our abilities. We need to recognise the factors that influence and block our own motivation, only then can we manage these and move forward. A resilient person has a fighter/ survivor mentality. They regulate their emotions; this doesn’t mean being unemotional or not losing control but understanding that these things pass and can be managed. The resilient person has good problem-solving skills, but also encourages others in solving problems through compassionate leadership, good communication, teamwork and support (Cherry, 2023b). Bailey and West (2022) describe that people need their core needs supporting in the workplace to feel well, motivated and resilient, these are- Autonomy- controlling one’s work life; acting within one’s values with authority, empowerment and influence; and working in a just and fair environment with good working conditions and workloads. Belonging- being connected, valued, respected and cared for by colleagues; and supported within a team with good leadership and culture. Contribution- experiencing effectiveness at work and recognised for their contribution, having access to education, learning and development through good management and supervision. Alongside these, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD, 2022) steps to ensuring well-being in the workplace add: Health- physical and mental health and safety Ethics and diversity Lifestyle choices- access to physical activity, healthy eating in the workplace Financial well-being- pay/ benefits, retirement planning, childcare support In healthcare, leaders also use human factors alongside understanding core needs to study impacts on staff behaviour, motivation and resilience; these incorporate- Environmental (the physical workspace/ personal space), organisational (work patterns, culture, resources, communication and leadership) Job factors (nature of work, workload, procedures and policies), Individual characteristics (competence, personality, behaviours) An organisation with well-being at its heart has motivated and resilient staff with higher morale and engagement and are likely to have a better work-life balance. Compassionate leadership that includes supporting all these aspects has been shown to increase staff retention and support a healthier, more inclusive environment. Individually, we can increase our own motivation and resilience by understanding and acting on the things that block or impede our progress, using past experiences to help us grow and to support others in their journeys. We can- Adjust goals, break tasks into smaller chunks so things don’t appear so big and impossible to achieve. Prioritise the important things, achievable things and things that give satisfaction. Remind ourselves of achievements, strengths and how we can use these to progress. Be our authentic self, maintain our identity References Bailey S., West M (2022) What is compassionate leadership? Kings Fund. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2024) Wellbeing at work. CIPD. Cherry K (2023a) Motivation: the driving force behind our actions. Very Well Mind. Cherry K (2023b) How resilience helps you cope with life’s challenges. Very Well Mind. Rice A (2022) What resilience is and isn’t. Psych Central.
In the scope of marathon running, few stories are as fascinating as that of Koen Naert, a Belgian athlete who seamlessly blends the worlds of professional running and nursing. This article breaks down Koen's extraordinary journey, highlighting his evolution from a spirited young runner to an experienced marathon professional with a unique background in healthcare Koen recounts his early passion for running, painting a vivid picture of his progression from a young enthusiast to an experienced marathon runner. The unexpected twist of working as a nurse at the burns centre while entering the marathon world is unveiled, showcasing the support that propelled him towards a professional athletic career. "First, I was a runner because I started running when I was six years old. I evolved from a five to ten-kilometer runner, to a cross-country runner to a marathon runner,” said Koen. Flamigel®: A Familial Connection and Professional Integration: Koen shares his first encounters with Flamigel®, drawing parallels between familial habits and the reliability of this wound care product. The integration of Flamigel® into his professional healthcare career becomes evident, underscoring its familiarity and importance in Belgium's medicine. “Flamigel® is a very familiar product in Belgium and everyone has it in the medicine closet." Balancing Nursing and High-Level Sports: When asked about his partnership with Flamigel®, he had the following to say, “In life, I have three passions: my family, marathon running or just running, and healthcare. And as an athlete and healthcare ambassador, I want to tell a story. I want to be able to inspire and motivate people, not only in running but also in healthcare. I realized I could do that together with Flamigel®.” He added, “This partnership allows me to do some nice storytelling and to be very authentic...I want people to know that behind the professional runner, I am a healthcare professional." Koen reflects on the uniqueness of combining nursing and high-level sports. The intense study period, combining a bachelor's degree with a professional athletic career, shapes his resilient mindset. His experiences in healthcare, particularly in a burn care centre, become a source of mental strength during challenging training moments. “I take with me on difficult days the resilience of those patients who fought for their healing," he said. Contributing to Public: Concerning his recent experience in Kenya, Koen shares how impactful this experience has been, emphasizing his gratitude for the hospitality. His vision of contributing to public health in Kenya through education and wound care projects is shown, showcasing his dedication to making a lasting impact. "I hope in the future we can do something bigger and meaningful to help the people in Kenya - that would be my big goal and a big dream." Life Philosophy and Balance: The insights gained from the burn care centre guide his approach to training, promoting a balance between determined boundaries and respecting individual pain thresholds. According to him, "Don't be afraid to dig deep, but always be careful and listen to your body. I think that is something I learned from wound care." But how does he balance his passion for running and healthcare? Koen shares his philosophy on life balance, prioritizing family, marathon running, and healthcare. His commitment to continuous learning, pursuing postgraduate studies, and maintaining a balance between athletic pursuits and nursing studies is unmistakable. "Balance in life is very important. I want to stay updated so that when my marathon career ends, I am ready to enter the working field as a healthcare professional again." Advocacy for Proper Wound Care: Koen underscores the necessity of proper wound care, expressing concern that even healthcare professionals may lack essential knowledge. As an ambassador, he aims to provide accurate information and raise awareness about the fundamentals of wound care. In conclusion, Koen Naert's journey is a testament to the fusion of passion, resilience, and a commitment to make a positive impact in both the marathon world and healthcare. As he continues to inspire and educate, his unique story serves as an example for aspiring athletes and healthcare enthusiasts alike, highlighting the extraordinary possibilities that unfold when two worlds seamlessly collide.
Kontich, Belgium, 23 June 2023 Flen Health is proud to announce that it has been awarded a 1.7 million research and development grant by the Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO – for short) to leverage further its leading expertise in biological wound treatment research and development. The award represents the funding at approximately 60% of a 3.0 million project. Funding from the grant will serve to further accelerate the deployment of Flen Health’s unique Enzyme technology and research platform and will lead to a deeper understanding of recombinant engineering and the development of unique and novel biological enzyme-based treatments for non-healing and chronic wounds. Enabling cross-fertilizing the company’s growing pipeline of patented and breakthrough candidate drugs in wound and skin care. Gilles Brackman, Vice President of Research & Development of Flen Health, commented, “I am honoured by the recognition and financial support from VLAIO and pleased to contribute to their commitment to stimulate Biotechnological research and development in Flanders, Belgium. This grant allows us to further strengthen our enzyme-technology platform capabilities and represent an important accelerator in the further development of enzyme-based biopharmaceuticals for the treatment of chronic and difficult-to-heal wounds. This will position Flen Health as a true innovative wound and skincare company with multiple shots at goal.” “I am thrilled that VLAIO has recognized the breakthrough science that we undertake at Flen Health which endorses the quality level of our research projects,” said Philippe Sollie, CEO of Flen Health. “This grant is a support for our project to manufacture enzymes at a pharmaceutical quality level. Executing this project will do even more than that. With this project, we are creating at Flen Health a platform technology for the identification, GMP manufacturing and registration of therapeutic proteins that transform the lives of patients with wounds and skin diseases. We are well on track to further push our extraordinary goal and provide patients across the globe with our innovative transformative treatments that help these patients live the life they love” he concluded. Flen Health remains committed to its mission of advancing wound and skin healing through groundbreaking research, and this grant from VLAIO will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the company's ongoing work. About Flen Health Flen Health is an international family enterprise with affiliates in Europe and the United States and strategic partnerships and distributor agreements worldwide. These allow Flen Health to develop and market medical devices and pharmaceutical products that meet its original mission of providing innovative skin and wound healing solutions to address unmet patient needs. In recent years, Flen Health was labelled as an EU innovative company and has secured millions of non-dilutive funding for R&D activities within its innovation centres and in collaboration with academic and institutional partners.
Brno, the Czech Republic, 13 April 2023Flen Health Group S.A., a leading global provider of innovative wound care solutions, is excited to announce the signing of a joint venture with Dahlhausen Holding AG and ING. RADIM BEDAN, longstanding partners and one of the first international distributors of Flamigel®. This strategic collaboration is set to be a catalyst for the wound care division, further strengthening Flen Health’s presence in Europe.With over 23 years of successful partnership, the parties have built a strong relationship based on trust, expertise, and shared values. The joint venture aims to leverage this synergy to enhance the distribution of Flen Health's products, Flamigel® and Flaminal®, in the Czech and Slovakian markets. Flamigel® is a unique hydro-active colloid gel that provides effective wound healing and creates an optimal moist healing environment, while Flaminal® is an enzymatic wound debridement agent that supports wound healing in chronic and acute wounds or wounds at risk of infection.The joint venture is expected to result in increased availability and accessibility of Flamigel®and Flaminal® products in the Czech and Slovakian markets, benefiting patients and healthcare providers alike. Flen Health remains committed to its vision of advancing wound care through innovative solutions and strategic partnerships and looks forward to furthering success through the newly created entity FLEN HEALTH S.R.O.
Esch-sur-Alzette, 12 January 2023 - The House of Biohealth (HoBH) proudly celebrated the inauguration of its third building yesterday, marking a significant milestone in the growth of the biomedical industry in Esch-sur-Alzette. Flen Health, a leading provider of innovative skin and woundcare solutions, is delighted to have been chosen as one of the three companies, among the twenty present on the site, to receive the esteemed visit of H.R.H. Crown Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg, Paulette Lenert, Minister of Health, Franz Fayot, Minister of Economy, Georges Mischo, Mayor of Esch-sur-Alzette, Simone Asselborn-Bintz, Mayor of Sanem, and Jeannot Fürpass, Mayor of Mondercange. During the inauguration ceremony, Flen Health had the privilege of hosting the distinguished delegation in its laboratory. Philippe Sollie, CEO of Flen Health, and Gilles Brackman, VP of Research and Development, were granted the opportunity to showcase the company's cutting-edge research activities and innovative products. The compelling presentation captivated the interest and curiosity of H.R.H. Crown Prince Guillaume, particularly regarding Flen Health's ground-breaking solutions in the fields of skin and woundcare. Flen Health holds a special place in the history of the House of Biohealth. In 2015, when the first building was inaugurated, Flen Health became the pioneering company to establish its presence within the HoBH in Esch-sur-Alzette. The House of Biohealth serves as a hub for companies focused on biotechnology and digital health technologies, playing a pivotal role in the "Campus He:al" project. This ambitious venture includes the construction of a dozen new structures and the provision of 120,000 square meters of business space. Over the next 10 to 15 years, the campus is set to flourish and become a vibrant center of innovation and collaboration. Flen Health extends its gratitude to H.R.H. Crown Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg, the esteemed delegation, and the House of Biohealth for the honor of their visit. This significant event reaffirms Flen Health's commitment to advancing healthcare through groundbreaking research and development, and its dedication to contributing to the thriving biomedical community in Esch-sur-Alzette.
Flen Health specialising in advanced solutions for wound and skin healing was awarded a 2.3 million research, development, and innovation grant by the Ministry of the Economy of Luxembourg (MECO) Esch-sur-Alzette, 14th January 2022: Flen Health is proud to announce that it has been awarded a 2.3 million research, development, and innovation (RDI) grant, by the Ministry of the Economy of Luxembourg. This grant enables Flen Health to further leverage its leading expertise in wound and skincare research and development. It will also serve to further accelerate the deployment of its unique integrated technology and research platforms. More specifically, the activities conducted under the grant will lead to a deeper understanding of key drivers that contribute to the non-healing nature of chronic wounds. Thus, enabling cross-fertilizing the company’s growing pipeline of patented and breakthrough candidate drugs in wound and skin care. Gilles Brackman, Vice President of Research & Development of Flen Health, commented, “We are very pleased with the financial support and recognition from MECO and their commitment to stimulate research, development, and innovation in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Since the foundation of our research centre in Luxembourg at the end of 2017, we have significantly invested in the build-up of our research and technology platforms to generate novel therapeutics against several targets in wound and skin care. The funding will allow us to progress in our research and further develop a differentiating, novel mode of action candidate medicines. This will position Flen Health as a true innovative wound and skincare company with multiple shots at goal.” Philippe Sollie, CEO of Flen Health, commented: “We are pleased that MECO has recognised the breakthrough science that will enable us to discover and develop therapeutic programs aiming to transform the lives of patients with chronic skin and wound care diseases. We are well-positioned to increasingly push our ambitious goal to develop potentially transformative treatments supporting patients to live the life they love.” Flen Health has been the recipient of a similar grant in the past. This grant has contributed to the pre-clinical research and development of new and innovative technologies, which are continuing the task of answering unmet needs for specific skin disorders. A patent application has been filed. About us Flen Health is an international family enterprise with affiliates in Europe, the US, and UAE as well as strategic partnerships and distributor agreements worldwide. These allow Flen Health to develop and market medical devices and pharmaceutical products that meet its original mission in providing innovative skin and wound healing solutions to address unmet patient needs. In recent years, Flen Health was labelled as an EU innovative company and has secured millions of non-dilutive funding for R&D activities both within its own innovation centres as well as in collaboration with academic and institutional partners. Learn more about Flen Health
Yesterday evening, two Consumer Healthcare Communication Awards (CHCA) were awarded to Flamigel® in the category PROPER USE. For the first prize all votes of consumers, pharmacists and a professional jury were considered and for the second prize, the votes of the Jury only took account. The CHCA is handed over by BACHI and aims to reward the best consumer healthcare advertising campaigns to the Belgian public. The first edition of the contest was launched in February 2019 and also here Flamigel® won in two categories EFFICIENCY and PROPER USE voted by consumers, pharmacists and the jury. Thanks to everyone who supported us! We are very proud of our Marketing Team that worked on this successful campaign and happy to see this positive feedback from consumers, pharmacists and the professional jury. About Flamigel® Flamigel® is an innovative gel that contributes to faster wound healing and prevention of scar formation. The hydro-active colloid gel works to the effective principle of moist wound healing. More information on our medical solution for superficial wounds here. About Flen Health Flen Health is an international family enterprise with affiliates in Europe, US, and UAE as well as strategic partnerships and distributor agreements worldwide. These allow Flen Health to develop and market medical devices and pharmaceutical products that meet its original mission in providing innovative skin and wound healing solutions to address unmet patient needs.